While most Fitness Professionals are working 50+ hour weeks around their clients unsociable schedules...
Waking up early every morning to the same texts "Hey, sorry I can't make today's session"...
And living in fear of taking a holiday due to the loss of income...
Others Personal Trainers are going from counting reps for money...
To quickly adding $6k+ per month while building online businesses with freedom of location, time AND MONEY.

"You need a huge following to get clients online"
"I don't know how to create an amazing online program"
"My clients need me in-person to get results"
Wrong. But these are the same BS stories that held me back too.
The truth is, people are throwing big money at online coaches RIGHT NOW who do not have big followings OR special online programs...
$16.15 billion in 2022 to be exact.
Interestingly, these online coaches are getting their clients far better results than they ever could in-person...
Is it because they are more experienced or knowledgeable than you?
Doubtful, 41.84% of them weren't even online in 2021!
That's how quickly the online fitness coaching space is growing.
And for coaches who want to take advantage of this once-in-a-century opportunity
There's big money to be made for coaches solving the biggest problems for their clients.
Newsflash: counting reps isn't solving a big problem, most people can count to 10 themselves.
So while you're worrying that "nobody will buy my online program"
You should be thinking...
"What unique problem can I solve that people will pay me handsomely and IN-FULL for?"
Because there are ONLY THREE REASONS why nobody wants to buy your online services right now...
Leaving you stuck on the gym floor, living out of tupperware, making peanuts, and barely having the energy left to train yourself...
Before I tell you what they are, let me tell you what they are NOT...
It is NOT a lack of fitness knowledge (Trust me, jacked up Jonny who's making 10x more than you doesn't know shit)
It's NOT because you have a small following (You only need 2-4 sales per month to add $6k/month to your business!)
And it definitely isn’t whether you’ve got a website or app, don't waste money on fancy stuff that doesn't generate $$ in return.

the real 3 reasons why you're spinning your wheels, putting out daily content AND "working hard", BUT still not seeing any traction...
Nobody wants what you're selling, because your offer isn't solving a specific persons most painful problem, within a defined timeframe.
"I'm looking for 5 busy mums who want to lose some weight before Christmas" will not cut through the noise in the market in 2022.
You'll get crickets...
You might as well go to the Super Bowl, or Wembley stadium during a concert, and shout "does anyone want to give me some money for my generic fitness program?"
Your business has no lead flow, the equivalent of going scuba diving with an empty tank...
Leads are the OXYGEN in your business.
Yet we see so many coaches wasting weeks, months and even years, dicking around adding 20 random Facebook friends per day and scrounging in free Facebook groups like bottom feeders.
Or even worse, expecting leads to come to them!
Unlike working the gym floor …
When it comes to getting clients online, you can’t walk around with 'Personal Trainer’ written on your back and hope people will sign up.
You don't know how to run an online business (yet).
Which contrary to what the Lambo renting gurus would like you to believe, isn't actually complicated!
It's a constant game of applying pressure to the RIGHT area of your business at the right time.
Unfortunately, focussing on completely the WRONG things is what finishes 95% of Online Fitness Coaches before they really get going.
The truth is, it nearly finished mine TWICE!

My wife was pregnant with our first kid when I launched my Online Fitness Coaching Program PUSH PROGRAM back in 2018.
I was against the clock to put myself in a position to quit the gym floor and be the PRESENT father and husband I desperately wanted to be.
I didn't want to leave before dawn, and miss bedtime stories to accommodate my clients schedules.
I'm talking 16+ hour days, not eating properly, and barely training...
...for about 3 months.
3 years later we had an online business that:
- Consistently generated $30k/month revenue at 65% profit ($18k take home)
- Had a multi-generational impact in the lives of over 300+ Australian Mums
- Took me less than 10 hours per week to run
What happened between 3 months and 3 years, I know you couldn't care less about
You want to know how all his can help YOU and you don't have all day.
So let me cut to the chase...
Over 3 years I made every mistake under the sun, including all the ones you're making right now...
I invested over $100k in 4 different mentorship programs, some good, some shit, some LIFE CHANGING.
And reached a "quitting point" on two separate occasions.
Thank god I didn't.
Because through all this I developed a SIMPLE 3-Step system that now helps Personal Trainers build successful Online Businesses 6x quicker than I did.
Since 2021 my SOC team and I have helped 100's of Personal Trainers do in 6 months, what it took me 36 months to achieve.
And you don't need to drop $100k to do it.
Want to know the 3 step system?

step 1 - we'll quickly identify and dominate your super-niche, so you'll immediately begin getting genuine interest in your online program.
If you're flip-flopping between niches every month without ever truly feeling confident putting your offer out there..
The market smells this lack of belief and conviction a mile away.
When fitness professionals step into SOC I personally sit down with them to identify their super-niche and craft their irresistible offer.
You don't need to keep going around the houses or complete "niche discovery exercises" for days to get this nutted out.
This is my bread and butter and we'll have it locked in IMMEDIATELY. Niche and Offer are your foundations and everything is 1000x harder without nailing them.
From there, myself and the team will work closely with you to build (or refine) your online program, implement a simple 60-min per week content flow, and land your next 4 high-ticket clients QUICKLY.
Generating between 6k and 12k cash flow in your business right off the bat.
step 2 - we'll generate you automated, qualified, leads like turning on a tap, so you can stop wasting time ANNOYING STRANGERS ON SOCIALS.
We will sit with you, create your adverts, and install our entire signature "4A's Funnel" into your business...
So that you have new, consistent, leads coming into your business every single day on autopilot.
No more scraping around free groups or annoying strangers in DM's, that's NOT how to build a business.
"what? you mean I need to spend money on adverts?"
Yes, and if $2-$5 per day is too much to invest to make high-ticket sales at $1500-$3000+ every week, you're in the wrong game...
Advertising and Marketing are EVERYTHING to a sustainable online business...
Stop thinking that gym selfies and Rocky style workout montages will bring clients in.
step 3 - we'll package up, sell and deliver your $1500-$3k+ online program, to get your clients better results online than you could in-person!
I know, it hurts the ego. Your clients don't need or want you in-person
They only care about getting the results they desire.
This was by far the biggest revelation I had while moving to 100% online coaching.
Closely followed by the fact that people will pay far more for an online coaching RESULT than they ever will Personal Training SESSIONS.
Why? Value.
A Transaction happens when value exceeds price.
Which will undoubtedly be the case for your online program once we've packaged it up and positioned it in the market correctly.
If real REVENUE AND PROFIT is what you want, you’ll need to act fast.